Know yourself and you will win all battles.
-- Lao Tzu --
In individual coaching sessions I support clients in a professional and private context to find their own way to individual and integrated solutions.
In a appreciative context you will develop solutions that fit you and your personal goals.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast.
-- Peter Drucker --
Culture eats strategy for breakfast (Peter Drucker). Are you a world-class team or a collection of individualists? Competition or real cooperation?
To rethink business and to be innovative and sustainable through genuine cooperation fosters your success.
I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery --
Meditation is a meta-competence and enables you to consciously control your attention. The basis for self-knowledge and reflection as well as real growth.
As a leader or in your own personal area, meditation is your path to self-determination.
References and testimonials from my clients

During a two-day executive event, Mr. Fein managed to raise a sales team's awareness for topics such as self-regulation and -management as well as personal development and, most importantly, to introduce them in a pragmatic way.
The benefits were directly evident in the efficient handling of professional topics. The feedback of the executives was completely positive and provided with the tonality that a different view towards people and one's own personality is also highly relevant and valuable for sales success.
Katharina Jessel
Director Sales Banking
Allianz Beratungs- und Vertriebs-AG

Through a fortunate coincidence I came into contact with Christian Fein. I didn't know beforehand that coaching in this form even existed.
His innovative combination of effective coaching and meditation led me to immediate success. Calmness and serenity in challenging situations, more joy and lightness, the dissolution of obstacles and an increased awareness are the results of his coaching. It changed my life!
Anita Tillmann
Managing Partner
Premium Group

We performed international coaching sessions with Christian in the shareholder circle and in top management and were also able to further develop ourselves as an organization and jointly align our decision parameters.
I got to know Christian Fein through Lanserhof and his reputation frankly preceded him. Rightly so, as it turned out, because it was because of him that I could really grasp the possibilities of the unconscious.
Christian supported me in a very difficult phase of my life (as CEO of a 48-employee company I suffered from stress, insomnia and indecision). I also learned techniques to regulate myself and use my unconscious to make optimal decisions.
We performed international coaching sessions with Christian in the shareholder circle and in top management and were also able to further develop ourselves as an organization and jointly align our decision parameters.
Overall, Christian is very experienced, professional and empathetic when it comes to coaching. He is also very flexible and supportive when it comes to making appointments. And it's a pleasure to sit down with him, no matter in which time zone you are.
I can sincerely recommend Christian Fein to anyone who suffers from similar symptoms and also to any organisation that is looking for a better alignment among its members.
Jay Habib

Christian Fein coached our entire team of supervisors and executives. For me as an entrepreneur, the coaching paid off in 3 areas in particular:
better cooperation as a team, more efficient ways of working, open and transparent communication. Mistakes are no longer hidden, but taken as an opportunity to learn and grow. Overall, cooperation and culture have clearly and noticeably improved. The best at the end ... through his psychological competence and his special style in introducing people to meditation, my employees are able to deal more calmly with the challenging everyday life in elderly care and this has a direct positive effect on the quality of service for our residents.
Heike Fink
Managing Partner & Owner
Senioren Centrum Nürnberg
Partners & Collaborations
Client references

Television & Radio

RAI Südtirol
Christian Fein being interviewed by RAI Südtirol in
dF – das Frauenmagazin with Martina Kreuzer